

Let’s work together to get you from where you are now, to where you want to be.


Tune in to learn everything I know about wedding videography.

I’m a big believer in sharing what I know and being a resource for others. You know what they say… “community over competition”. Without my community I wouldn’t be where I am today. I’ve put together a few tips that you’ll find helpful. If you want more tips, information, or just need some guidance, check out my podcast or let’s work together through my mentorship program!

- Camryn

  • The key thing to remember when shooting in low light is your shutter speed and your ISO. If you’re shutter is at least double your frame rate, then feel free to bump the ISO to a level that isn’t too grainy in your camera. Typically on some of the newer cameras, you can hover around 1600 ISO without introducing any grain.

  • Lav mic placement. Enough said. Not really, there is so much to say here, but not enough time to say it all. The thing you want to be aware of is how the wind is affecting the microphone and ruffling of shirts.

  • Get rid of the distractions. Turn your phone on silent mode or airplane mode, or silence notifications all together. Close out all unnecessary tabs on your computer and get to work. Break it up into pieces and commit to 2 hour working stints. Take a small break and get back at it. You’ll be amazed at how much you can do.

My Gear

Everything I own to shoot and edit wedding films.


All about my weddings and adventure sessions and what makes them special and unique.

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